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God's Appearing

Genesis 28:17 He [Jacob] was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven."

When Jacob wrestled with God it was a rare thing. His grandfather, Abraham, experienced God more often, spoke with Him, had visions, gained direction. Even Jacob's own father Isaac had had his own revelation of God, had experienced God's miracles in his own life. But not Jacob. Here he was a young man in the prime of his life, at the point of marrying age, and he had never had a personal encounter with the God of Abraham and Isaac. But then God found him, and wrestled with him, and Jacob finally had his personal meeting with Almighty God, too.

When I think of this, I am amazed, for you and I are granted a privilege that Jacob never had. We have the privilege of coming into God's presence whenever we desire. It's a marvelous thing. We can come into Almighty God's presence anytime because God's Holy Sprit abides in us at all times. We don't have to wait for visions to hear from Him. We don't have to depend on our parents' or grandparents' stories about God to know Him. Indeed, because of God's great love for us, we can approach God's throne of grace at any time, with any need, and know that He hears us. That's His promise from His Word.

Rest assured, dear one. He hears you. He knows you. He sees you. And He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than you can ask or imagine. Keep on trusting Him for the ride.


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